Sogo Hanzomon Building
1-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-0083
Tel : 03-5213-1730
Fax : 03-5213-1741
* Outside Japan: omit the initial 0 and begin with country code 81.
Japan Local Government Center (CLAIR, New York)
3 Park Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY. 10016-5902, U.S.A.
Tel : 1-212-246-5542/Fax : 1-212-246-5617
Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR, London)
15 Whitehall, London SW1A 2DD, U.K.
Tel : 44-20-7839-8500
Centre Japonais des Collectivités Locales (CLAIR, Paris)
10 rue de la Paix 75002 Paris FRANCE
Tel : 33-1-40-20-09-74/Fax : 33-1-40-20-02-12
The Japan Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Singapore
1 Raffles Place, #30-03 One Raffles Place, Singapore 048616
Tel : 65-6224-7927/Fax : 65-6224-8376
CLAIR, Seoul
서울특별시 종로구 종로1 교보빌딩 17층
Tel : 82-2-733-5681/Fax : 82-2-732-8873
Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR, Sydney)
Level 12, Challis House, 4 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel : 61-2-9241-5033
CLAIR, Beijing
Tel : 86-10-6513-8791/Fax : 86-10-6513-8795